On March 4-9, 2019 Professor Ben Luisi from the University of Cambridge will visit us as part of the Visiting Professors Program of the university of Warsaw Biological and Chemical Research Centre.
The professor will be a guest of the Structural Biology Group headed by Dr Maria Górna and the Laboratory for Structural and Biochemical Research headed by prof. dr. hab. Krzysztof Woźniak.
The professor research is focused on the regulation of RNA metabolism and membrane transporters in bacteria. He established a modern platform for cryomicroscopy and electron cryotomography (Cryo-EM) at the Biochemistry Department of the University of Cambridge.
During his stay, Professor Luisi will give lectures on:
March 5 (Tuesday) at 11.00, at CNBCh UW, in Aula B
Lecture title: „Machinery of bacterial riboregulation”
March 7 (Thursday) at 13:30, at the CNBCh UW, in Hall B
Lecture title: „RNA-protein interactions in vivo and in vitro ”
Phd student seminar
If you would be interested in the meeting with the professor, please contact Dr. Maria Górna, e-mail: mw.gorna@uw.edu.pl
More information on the website: http://vpp.cnbch.uw.edu.pl/
An additional guest on March 5 (Tuesday) at 11.00, at CNBCh UW, in Aula B will be Professor Wojciech Rypniewski (Head of the Structure-Function Relationship in the Biological Molecules Group at the Center for Biocrystallographic Research at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences) who will give a lecture:
Lecture title: „Structural studies of pathogenesis-related RNA repeats”.
All are invited!